as i get ready to celebrate thanksgiving this year with my family,i am giving thanks for all that i have... a beautiful family,wonderful friends, a comfortable home, and today most of all i am thankful for my grandmothers giant cast iron pot....i make everything in this sunny yellow pot,and i swear to you it all tastes better!
i inherited all her cast iron ware after she died, and i celebrate her every single day in using one piece or another.... last night i used it to make so many things,it was a great help to me...i miss my grammy more than i could ever put into words, but she lives on in my heart and in my pot, and for this i am oh so thankful!
many blessings from my house to yours....happy thanksgiving!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
the start of november
even when i find it hard for me to concentrate,as soon as start chopping garlic, or stirring risotto, it helps me to focus on the task on hand and instantly soothes me. i think this is why i can relate so closely to ina, paula,alex and nigella....they are so passionate about cooking, it is there essence, their being....and like me it is there passion and joy.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
happy halloween....
happy halloween to all my friends in blog land....i just realized i haven't posted anything in a month. i am sorry but life has been very hectic!, doing the college thing with my daughter, 3 kids, a boyfriend, my mom being sick and all life throws at you can be very overwhelming.... i am on the upswing, and count my blessings every day!.... i hope you all have a spook-tacular halloween...xox
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
goodbye september.....
things have been busy here, sorry ive been gone for so started, and having a daughter who is in the process of applying to college,working, and being a single mother of three, it's been veryyyy busy!
i have been investigating how too make my own greeting cards,or freelancing for a greeting card company and i have been painting to unwind.
i hope everyone had a good september and look forward to a wonderful october!
i have been investigating how too make my own greeting cards,or freelancing for a greeting card company and i have been painting to unwind.
i hope everyone had a good september and look forward to a wonderful october!
Monday, August 24, 2009
the very heart of me.....
ive noticed lately i've been a little out of sorts, not sad or upset exactly but not myself,(myself being very happy and bubbly,and usually quite cheery!)...and it just dawned on me that i have not cooked in a really long time,i made some guacamole
yesterday , (but that hardly counts even though the feel of the knife chopping up tomatoes and onion,garic and jalapenos was very theraputic to me.)
you see i was on vacation so i haven't really cooked anything since,gosh august 13 or is the 24th,so that means its been 11 days since i have made some kitchen magic...sooooo i have some brownies in the oven, and i am making some stuffed rigatoni with broccoli,homemade pizza with some fresh pesto that i made and chicken skewers for i was chopping garlic,and cleaning broccoli,hearing the sizzle of the oil,and the feel of the salt on my finger tips has made me so extremely happy and really puts me at ease,the smells so inviting that everyone is intoxicated by the aroma...
i am a homebody by nature,and i love nothing more than cooking for family and friends,having them all gather in the kitchen, i realize i don't need much more in life, a nice glass of shiraz, some good food, great music,and laughter surrounding me as i stand over my butcher block island with my apron on completly content with life....
and that is the very heart of me!
Friday, August 21, 2009
home sweet home....
we are home from our trip down the shore....
now i am no dinosaur,i think of myself as more of a shark, a shark in the sense that they have survived for millions of years and have been able to adapt to anything,living amidst the most beautiful fish, coral,shells etc...and the darkest, murkiest depths of the unknown....
now pt. pleasant isn't the most desirable of destinations i know, but the place we where staying at, sold itself as a "beachfront resort and spa", overlooking the ocean.... ( i pictured waiters in white jackets bringing me drinks poolside,and hot stone massages,me laying with a smile on my face) actually what it was.... a motel,overlooking the parking lot.
now all the other motels on the strip (they call a spade a spade) are not putting on heirs, the call themselves what they actually are motels,.... sandpebble motel, windswept motel, not, the white sands oceanfront resort and spa.....(a motel masquerading as a resort and spa)....
now i am a woman of many, many words,(anyone who knows me knows that i always have an opinion!,)and i was rendered speechless for a good hour or so upon my arrival at the white sands oceanfront resort and spa...
butafter awhile it did grow on me,...the room was clean and they did have the only great resturaunt in a five mile radius...
i never did see a white jacket waiter, in fact i never saw anyone checking our lovely paper wrist bands,and we never got a lounge chair on the beach, my poor dad had to go down to the pool at 7:30 every morning to get us lounges, or we would have been sitting "parking lot side" every day...but being the shark that i am, i enjoyed myself, despite the white sands motel, masquerading as a beachfront resort and spa,because i was with the people i love....and love covers bad motel!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
i am home today with the air conditioning guys who are hear finally to put in a new compressor...i haven't had any air for three weeks,and its been tough,its been hot and humid,and everything feels sticky,and all my art is buckling,and its been hard to work on anything without breaking into a sweat!...i've been desperatly trying to count my blessings in this situation,and i have been reminding myself of all the good things in my life, this is just a gentle reminder that i cannot control everything in my life and it has been humbling to say the least....i am looking forward to going away next week with my family for a much needed at the moment i am enjoying having the day off,and being home,my favorite place to be,despite the heat!
i took this picture a few weeks ago in the city...<3
Sunday, August 2, 2009
true to form.....
i am in the middle of an art piece to be submitted to a new gallery showing with a silent auction added to it...we each recieved a paper mache torso and stand to be decorated for breast cancer awareness....i was planning on making my piece a little more shocking and dark, but i decided not too because its a fundraiser...its not finished yet, i am just watching it for awhile until it speaks to me....i wonder what it will say?
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
a summer day at the met....
we spent saturday at the met,and we had such a wonderful day, i still say its the best bargain in the can spend hours strolling around looking at fabulous art, shop and have a delightful bite to eat in a beautiful setting.... we where so happy to see our favorite little man sitting on his little stool drawing in the sculptor garden, he is so very talented and patient,and he can be found on any given saturday at the met....i photographed what is known to be the first papyrus,paper from the egyptians...they took leaves and cut them into thin strips,and wove them together,and than took a stone and pounded them into the very first sheets of being a lover of anything paper,this just fascinated me.... more to come...ciao my friends...
Thursday, July 23, 2009
dessert table

dessert table
Originally uploaded by hello naomi (away)
this is so very lovely, don't you just want t stroll along this table....beautiful!
Friday, July 3, 2009
"playing with a full deck"

my 9 of diamonds for this years artist trading card exhibit "playing with a full deck" was chosen for the poster...the exhibit will be held in deleware ohio from july 20-august 8....its a wonderful exhibit that i enter annually,the room is made entirely of artist trading cards,wall to wall...if you live in ohio,check it out!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
happy saturday from blogland...
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
the day my daughter was born...reprise
"you have a baby girl, what would you like to name her and do you want her baptized" was what the nurse asked me minutes after i was rushed into the delivery room.i looked at her in shock and out of the corner of my eye i saw doctors and nurses working on my little girl...they called a code blue and pushed a screaming thomas out of the room. by this time i was loosing massive amounts of blood, and the doctor operated on me for several hours at the same time my daughter was attached to a respirator fighting for her life...
i wasn't allowed to see her for several days,because i was too critically ill and so was my baby,the nurses would take polaroid pictures of her with tubes down her throat and a teeny tiny iv in her foot...the doctors said she wouldn't make it and they told thomas that he would be a widower,there was not much hope for either of us, but by the grace of God alexandria marie antonelle pulled the respitaor out of her throat, and started to breath on her own... two weeks later we where home and getting stronger everyday!
my daughter is the essence of strength and perserverence, and from her first day on earth was a fighter...and she hasn't stopped yet! she is a fantastic student, always making honor role,and the most wonderful daughter in the world,she will make a great mother someday, she has quite the maternal instinct, and has the most infectious laugh on earth...she has a smile that lights of the world,in fact when she was a baby she would wake up in her crib, rubbing her little nose on the mattres,and than lift her head and smile so this day it is the single most beautiful memory i have...i cry when i think of her, and even though she was born in may, she truly came in like a lion!!!...allie girl i love and adore you!!!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
happy mother's day...
to all the mommy's out there, i want to wish you all a happy mother's day...i made my mom a special book with old stories that my grandmother wrote down for me, i photo copied them and made a little book for her, my mom cried...we miss my grandmother oh so much...and i try to honor her every day! she was the best!
Friday, May 8, 2009
chocolate decadence....
this trader joe's chocolate decadence cereal is delightfully chocolaty and delicious! now i am not a cereal fan, in fact aside from putting some kashi in my yogurt i never eat it, but i bought this cause it had the name chocolate on the box, and it is the most chocolaty of chocolate cereal, and packed with fiber and made from wheat,its good for you too! run don't walk to your nearest trader joe's for some today!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
museum fun...
my school is having a museum day next week, were we will each transform our classrooms into a room in a museum...i picked "pop art" and we have been busy making different piecese for the exhibit... we are making some of our own pollacks, harings,lichensteins, warhols and more... we are making giant sized tootise rolls, bubble gum, hersheys kisses, and more... here are some pics of us hard at work!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
filet mignon,ella and louie....
Friday, May 1, 2009
allie's prom
Thursday, April 30, 2009
prom day...........
Thursday, April 23, 2009
i have so much to do for my upcoming art show on thursday that i am up at 5 a.m. wondering how i am going to get it all done...i know logically that i will, but i still stress out a bit about it...did i mention its already thursday?
i took this photo in central park this past weekend...i adore this little house!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
some more art...
Monday, April 20, 2009
sketch book...
one of my favorite things to do at night to relax is listen to some good tunes,and sketch in bed...on any given night i have my sketch book, some good pens, my water color pencils,and various magazines, as well as the book du jour, and water...sometimes my computer is there as well,sometimes not,it depends, but my phone is always b.f. turned me on to, which is a great music site that allows you to put in your fav bands or songs, and then they play similar is fantastic, check it out!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
a lovely easter....
Sunday, March 29, 2009
new treasures from acorn hill.....
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
ta sigh.............

its been quite a trying time in my world... i've been sick since last week,and am still not feeling much better,despite all the meds im taking, and to add insult to injury i stepped on a nail last night in my basement,and had to get a tetnus shot and they added more antibiotics to my i am still home from work,and need to feel better soon!
my grampie (pictured here with cousin george, who we lost in january) is in the hospital with sever back problems,and at almost 95, is not a candidate for surgery, so he's not eating or drinking,and wants to go home.... its a terrible situation and i am feeling so badly for him...
my dearest friend's 23 yrs old niece has been critically ill from a staph and strep infection in her lungs,and is now blind because she coded for so long...she has been in my heart and my prayers for the past few weeks,as she has a long long road to recovery, she has a multitude of problems due to her illness being so life threatening...
life is i thank the lord for every day i have!
Friday, March 13, 2009
friends 4ever
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The Altered Book: Art Doll Chronicles
sunday i am attending one of lisa kittell's art workshops. i cant wait!! i am so excited to meet lisa, she is amazingly talented! is an altered art doll/journal workshop...its going to be so much fun! saturday i have a preschool workshop to go too, which will be long! so i will really enjoy sundays workshop much more i am sure!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
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