its been quite a trying time in my world... i've been sick since last week,and am still not feeling much better,despite all the meds im taking, and to add insult to injury i stepped on a nail last night in my basement,and had to get a tetnus shot and they added more antibiotics to my repratuare....so i am still home from work,and need to feel better soon!
my grampie (pictured here with cousin george, who we lost in january) is in the hospital with sever back problems,and at almost 95, is not a candidate for surgery, so he's not eating or drinking,and wants to go home.... its a terrible situation and i am feeling so badly for him...
my dearest friend's 23 yrs old niece has been critically ill from a staph and strep infection in her lungs,and is now blind because she coded for so long...she has been in my heart and my prayers for the past few weeks,as she has a long long road to recovery, she has a multitude of problems due to her illness being so life threatening...
life is fragile...so i thank the lord for every day i have!
I am sorry, Stacy. I hope they let your grandfather out.
But...why are they hugging dolls? Is it some sort of NJ/Italian thing?
they are holding trey's muppet show dolls, you know the two old men, we thought they resembled them!!!
Hi Stacy!
First of all, thank you for paying me a visit. I hope at least that my silly little pictures made you chuckle. I laughed last night as I was putting it together thinking, "this looks like a child did it," but oh well! I am so sorry to hear that you have had so many things falling on you one right after another. Yes, thank God for life and what we have, right? I am grateful to have a job,my husband and my health. God bless you Stacy and please rest. Anita
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