Frog preschool lesson
Originally uploaded by stacycakes
This week we learned about the life cycle of the frog. We started out by talking about the difference between ponds, rivers, lakes and oceans. Than the children were asked where different creatures live. I filled my sensory table with water beads, which resemble frog eggs. If you are not familiar with water beads, google them immediately, they are very popular with the preschool set. It was so lovely out that we held circle time outside and I drew the different stages of the frogs life. The children than all had a turn drawing one stage. Most chose frog eggs, they did a great job! One day hey painted just tadpoles, we made frogs out of paper plates, and we illustrated the life cycle on paper, which though a challenge, came great! We made some cat talks out of pup cleaners and some paper turtles and made our own pond in our train table.finish the week w leap frog and a rendition of five gene and speckled frogs. I always enjoy this lesson, and so do the children!
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