ive noticed lately i've been a little out of sorts, not sad or upset exactly but not myself,(myself being very happy and bubbly,and usually quite cheery!)...and it just dawned on me that i have not cooked in a really long time,i made some guacamole
yesterday , (but that hardly counts even though the feel of the knife chopping up tomatoes and onion,garic and jalapenos was very theraputic to me.)
you see i was on vacation so i haven't really cooked anything since,gosh august 13 or so....today is the 24th,so that means its been 11 days since i have made some kitchen magic...sooooo i have some brownies in the oven, and i am making some stuffed rigatoni with broccoli,homemade pizza with some fresh pesto that i made and chicken skewers for dinner...as i was chopping garlic,and cleaning broccoli,hearing the sizzle of the oil,and the feel of the salt on my finger tips has made me so extremely happy and really puts me at ease,the smells so inviting that everyone is intoxicated by the aroma...
i am a homebody by nature,and i love nothing more than cooking for family and friends,having them all gather in the kitchen, i realize i don't need much more in life, a nice glass of shiraz, some good food, great music,and laughter surrounding me as i stand over my butcher block island with my apron on completly content with life....
and that is the very heart of me!