From a very little girl I remember my grandfather being my best friend. I would sit for endless hours listening to his stories while he rubbed my back, his words like a lullaby,soothing,comforting, I couldn't remember a better feeling.
I remember Sunday mornings,going to visit after church.he would have bagels and donuts and I was allowed to have a little coffee with milk, I felt so grown up! I would eat a bagel and cream cheese and Joseph a bagel with butter, and we would fight over which mug we would get.
Joseph and I would be so excited when our parents went away because we knew Grammy and grampy would babysit,and that meant trips to the candy store, trips to the toy store, lots of junk food and of course chocolate pudding pie! How lucky my brother and I were to have the "best of grampy".
Last night I was thinking that not only was he mine and joseph's first best friend,but tj's as well. He insisted on driving me to all of his doctors appointments,buying all of his shoes and taking us out for burgers,(hence the name poppa burger). He was allies' first best friend playing with her for hours,worrying because she didn't speak for the first year and a half,( now she doesn't shut up,little did we know!). Followed by trey's first best friend playing ball in the alley and taking him to the corner for candy, and segi's first best friend even in his 90's!
A greater gift we couldn't ask for. He brought out the best in everyone he came across and made everyone feel special. He gave love away freely and love always found it's way back to him. We thought he was invincible, he would live forever! Allie told me that she thought he would be here for her children,it never crossed her mind that he wouldn't be. But Joe Joe would not have wanted to live if his quality of life was compromised. He knew when the show was over and left this world quickly and quietly with dignity. He leaves behind a family that has learned so much from him. He was so proud of each and every one of us and he will live on in our hearts forever. He believed in humanity and found the good in everyone. I realize he has helped me be the woman that I am today and I know he would be so thrilled to see all the love in this church and over the past few days. We celebrate a life lived to the fullest. He was a humble man who was so rich with love and was so thankful for each day he had on this earth.
It was mother Teresa who said, "we can do no great things,only small things with great love", my grandpa lived it....sleep well dear grampy, Joe Joe,poppa burger, we love you!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
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